Helmholtz Doppelsiren
As part of a research in the origin in electronic music, I developed and built a variety of instruments based upon historical information and patents by scientists and musicians. Among them are Hermann Helmholtz, Luigio Russolo and Henri Naber.
The most advanced instrument is my interpretation of the Helmholtz Doppelsiren.
An instrument he used extensively to prove sound theories.
I prototyped a working instrument and then redesigned parts, based on the prototype. For production I seeked collaboration with a CNC-machining company; Rijfers Metaalbewerking in Alphen a/d Rijn.
High precision is critical. For musical variables, like pitch, timbre, volume, harmonics, interference and more. But precision is also important for the ability to reproduce the same sounds with the siren-instrument, over and over again; studying the instrument.
The instruments are used in a variety of concerts, theaterpieces and workshops. They are a part of the Siren Orchestra of theater ensemble Veenfabriek.